Join Us or Sit Back and Watch The Killing Continue

Jan 15, 2021 | 3 comments

Sure we get arrested sometimes; sure we get a visit from the police, but that’s the whole success of Palestine Action. Elbit Systems is up against a mass national movement, that’s not just growing across districts, but now it’s moving outside of the UK; it will serve to make Palestine Action one of the most powerful, active and successful networks to fight Israel right in the jugular. And be under no illusions here: Israel will fight back, because it has so much more to lose than we do.

People um-and-ah about direct action. Is it right to directly get involved in exposing one of the most toxic war industries in the world or do we just sit back and watch it take the lives of innocent civilians and thank God it isn’t our children being annihilated? The story of the young teenager backpacking across the world, who accidentally stepped into a military coup and was shot in the head with a bullet clearly marked, made in the UK, is enough to keep me motivated. Is it enough for you?

Our advice, is stop umming-and-ahhing. This is a company that cares nothing for human lives; cares even less about children and deliberately targets entire families with its smart weaponry and its “tanks and its guns” and its white supremacist hatred for anyone living on their own land, in their own homes. This is occupation if you haven’t yet realised. Israeli invaders coming to take your homes and belongings and your livelihoods and leaving you with nothing but heartache and loss. 

So, what are we asking? We are asking for even more members to join; growing nationally is the mission and while we are already accruing activists by the dozen, it isn’t enough to take this new police state to task. While activists have had their laptops seized and their homes invaded by police who have barely read a book in their life, let alone understand the importance of shutting down a destructive and evil arms company, it’s a small core group that have had to face this persecution. The majority of our members are ‘unknown’ to the police force and successfully working towards the cause without hassle. 

Perhaps those who don’t feel confident to join, might think about donating to help us recover the £5,000 worth of equipment that the police have confiscated and have no intention of returning. In any other situation, this would be described as theft. It is theft, but we are up against uniformed thugs who refer to this as warranted seizure. It’s not “intelligence” based; it’s just harassment and persecution under the guise of crime prevention. Of course, the only crimes being committed are by Elbit, but I doubt their devices, containing the most hideous designs of war weaponry will ever be seized. In short, the real war criminals who kill, maim, injure, shoot, bomb and murder are sitting happily at their desks with no fear of ever being caught. Maybe that’s their failure. Our success is the crack-down that we find ourselves beneath. The humanitarian, anti-war, anti-murder, anti-dispossession of people’s homes is apparently the “bad” stuff. The killers are the “good” guys. If you think that’s right, then maybe Palestine Action isn’t your preferred basket of fruit.

We will continue no matter what is thrown at us. The mission to shut Elbit down doesn’t end because the police want to fracture the movement. On the contrary, it strengthens our cause and builds our courage. No one would bother with us if we weren’t already an army that’s making huge waves of panic among the Israeli industry. Not so long ago, they were operating covertly in sleepy villages and towns looking like ordinary office blocks. Now, the name Elbit is everywhere, and everyone is learning what they’re doing and more importantly, where they are.

Join us, donate, or at least become interested. We personally want a world where we can live in peace, without being complicit in the murder of innocent civilians. Let’s make it happen. Let’s win this. We can, with you all on board.