Stand with the #Siege8

Nottingham Magistrates Court Carrington Street, Nottingham, United Kingdom

Stand with eight actionists who are charged with breaching a section 14 order. They were arrested whilst attending a camp outside Leicester's Israeli weapons factory on May 2nd. Attend the trial from 9.30AM on the 7th, 9th and 12th - 20th February, excluding weekends.

Palestine Action Support Training


A workshop for all those interested in taking on an active support role for actionists fighting Israel's weapons trade in the courts

Direct Action Training Day [Manchester]

Palestine Action is running training days across the country, to bring together like minded people for a day of talks, trainings and group discussions. All of which is geared towards harnessing the strength of the grassroots and directing it towards bringing down Israel's war machine. Location will be disclosed if your application to join is […]

#Thales 3 Sentencing

Glasgow Sheriff Court 1 Carlton Pl, Glasgow, United Kingdom

The #Thales3 occupied and dismantled a Thales weapons factory in Glasgow. After they were convicted of 'malicious mischief', they'll be sentenced at Glasgow Sheriff Court. Mobilise and make it clear that the weapons factories supplying Israel are the guilty ones, not those who stop them!  

Direct Action Training Day [Birmingham]

Palestine Action is running training days across the country, to bring together like minded people for a day of talks, trainings and group discussions. All of which is geared towards harnessing the strength of the grassroots and directing it towards bringing down Israel's war machine. Location will be disclosed if your application to join is […]

Direct Action Training Day [London]

Palestine Action is running training days across the country, to bring together like minded people for a day of talks, trainings and group discussions. All of which is geared towards harnessing the strength of the grassroots and directing it towards bringing down Israel's war machine. Location will be disclosed if your application to join is […]

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