Targets in Focus


A detailed exploration of our primary and secondary targets, why we target them, the rationale for secondary targeting, how each company is complicit and how best to target each category of target.

Introduction to Palestine Action


A century of British complicity and enabling of Palestine's colonisation - from the Balfour declaration in 1917, to supplying Israel with tanks in 1967 to displace 325,000 Palestinians - and it continues today, with Israel's largest arms company, Elbit Systems, operating on British soil. For almost as long, support for Palestine in Britain has been […]

How to lay siege to an Israeli weapons factory


Learn the lessons of the Leicester Siege, what works, how to maintain a constant presence, a space for discussion on this tactic, how to make it more disruptive, and what other things can be done.

Introduction to Palestine Action


A century of British complicity and enabling of Palestine's colonisation - from the Balfour declaration in 1917, to supplying Israel with tanks in 1967 to displace 325,000 Palestinians - and it continues today, with Israel's largest arms company, Elbit Systems, operating on British soil. For almost as long, support for Palestine in Britain has been […]

The Arconic Trial

Wolverhampton Crown Court Pipers Row, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

Support an actionist charged with "criminal damage" for occupying the roof and dismantling the Arconic Factory in Birmingham. Arconic arm the Israeli military and knowingly supplied the flammable cladding in the Grenfell tower.

The Rafael 4 Trial

Newcastle Crown Court The Law Courts, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Two actionists scaled the roof and smashed an Israeli State owned weapons factory, Rafael, in Newcastle on Nakba75. Two others were arrested in connection with the action. Now all four will face trial where they will fight to prove Rafael is guilty, Palestine Action is not.

Introduction to Palestine Action


A century of British complicity and enabling of Palestine's colonisation - from the Balfour declaration in 1917, to supplying Israel with tanks in 1967 to displace 325,000 Palestinians - and it continues today, with Israel's largest arms company, Elbit Systems, operating on British soil. For almost as long, support for Palestine in Britain has been […]

Arrestee, Court and Prison Support


People become supporters of Palestine Action for a variety of different reasons. Some people may have taken action already and so don't feel able to do so again, or you may just not be in a place in your life to take action at the moment. In any case, you can still be a massive […]

Introduction to Palestine Action


A century of British complicity and enabling of Palestine's colonisation - from the Balfour declaration in 1917, to supplying Israel with tanks in 1967 to displace 325,000 Palestinians - and it continues today, with Israel's largest arms company, Elbit Systems, operating on British soil. For almost as long, support for Palestine in Britain has been […]

Crashing War Criminals (at their offices and events)


War criminals who are happy to work for the Israeli weapons dealers at Elbit, not only profit at the expense of the Palestinian people, they also convene at conferences to make deadly deals and celebrate their sinister 'achievements' at luxurious dinners and awards ceremonies. Palestine Action is here to crash their events and expose the […]

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