Kingsway 3

Manchester Palestine Action hold rooftop protest at Ferranti Technologies.

Three activists took action against the London headquarters of Israel's largest arms firm. Their action contributed to the permanent closure of Elbit's London HQ. Mobilise outside the court on the day of their trial, February 13th, from 9.30AM.

[LEEDS] How to Shut Elbit Down

Wharf Chambers 23-25 Wharf Street, Leeds, United Kingdom

Speakers include Rapper Lowkey, Arms trade expert Andrew Feinstein and Palestine Action

[SHEFFIELD] How to Shut Elbit Down

Broomhall Centre Broomspring Lane, Sheffield

Speakers include Rapper Lowkey, Arms trade expert Andrew Feinstein and Palestine Action

[Birmingham] How to Shut Elbit Down

The Warehouse 54-57 Allison St, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Speakers include Rapper Lowkey, Arms trade expert Andrew Feinstein and Palestine Action


Chester Crown Court Colvin House, Castle St, Chester

On the 6th March, for 3-5 days, three activists are appearing in Chester Crown Court, after shutting down APPH in Runcorn, in June of 2021. Canadian-owned APPH are a supplier to Elbit, selling them military technology and drone-landing gear essential to Elbit's weapons production, as well as producing parts for fighter jets used in Afghanistan […]

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