Introduction to Palestine Action


A century of British complicity and enabling of Palestine's colonisation - from the Balfour declaration in 1917, to supplying Israel with tanks in 1967 to displace 325,000 Palestinians - and it continues today, with Israel's largest arms company, Elbit Systems, operating on British soil. For almost as long, support for Palestine in Britain has been […]

Crashing War Criminals (at their offices and events)


War criminals who are happy to work for the Israeli weapons dealers at Elbit, not only profit at the expense of the Palestinian people, they also convene at conferences to make deadly deals and celebrate their sinister 'achievements' at luxurious dinners and awards ceremonies. Palestine Action is here to crash their events and expose the […]

Direct Action and Arrest Prep

A workshop on the practicalities of taking direct action to dismantle Israel’s war machine

Direct Action and Arrest Preparation


This workshop was set up to provide an overview on everything to do with the direct action we take against Zionist complicity here in Britain. Their are many forms of action that you can take and each has their own benefits and limitations. We will provide a guide to how each of these actions work […]

Direct Action and Arrest Preparation


This workshop was set up to provide an overview on everything to do with the direct action we take against Zionist complicity here in Britain. Their are many forms of action that you can take and each has their own benefits and limitations. We will provide a guide to how each of these actions work […]

The #ElbitEight Trial

Snaresbrook Crown Court 75 Hollybush Hill, London, United Kingdom

Eight actionists, including co-founders of Palestine Action, face trial for a range of actions during the first 6 months after our direct action network launched. The group face a variety of different charges, including conspiracy to blackmail, burgle and destroy Israel's arms trade in Britain. They are the first activists in nearly a decade to […]

Direct Action and Arrest Preparation


This workshop was set up to provide an overview on everything to do with the direct action we take against Zionist complicity here in Britain. Their are many forms of action that you can take and each has their own benefits and limitations. We will provide a guide to how each of these actions work […]

Direct Action and Arrest Preparation


This workshop will provide an overview on everything to do with the direct action we take against Zionist complicity here in Britain. Their are many forms of action that you can take and each has their own benefits and limitations. We will provide a guide to how each of these actions work and what would […]

Direct Action and Arrest Preparation


This workshop was set up to provide an overview on everything to do with the direct action we take against Zionist complicity here in Britain. Their are many forms of action that you can take and each has their own benefits and limitations. We will provide a guide to how each of these actions work […]

Arrestee, Court and Prison Support


People become supporters of Palestine Action for a variety of different reasons. Some people may have taken action already and so don't feel able to do so again, or you may just not be in a place in your life to take action at the moment. In any case, you can still be a massive […]

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