The #UAVEngines3 Trial

Wolverhampton Magistrates Court 9 North St, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

Five actionists shut down Elbit's weapons factory in Shenstone, in July 2022. Initially, all their charges were dropped until Elbit ordered a review of the CPS decision. Now three are charged and will face trial where they'll fight to prove #ElbitIsGuilty, Palestine Action is not!

Court Hearing: The #Rafael4

Newcastle Crown Court The Law Courts, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Support the Rafael 4 by mobilising outside Newcastle Crown Court during their pre-trial hearing. The four actionists were arrested after May 15th (Nakba75), for being connected to occupying an Israeli state owned weapons factory in Newcastle.

#Shenstone6 Pre-Trial Hearing

Stafford Crown Court The Combined Court Centre, Victoria Square, Stafford

In February 2021, the #Shenstone6 scaled the roof and dismantled Israel's weapons factory in Shenstone. Since halting the production of engines for Israeli drones, the six have been charged with criminal damage over £50K. Now, over two years later, they'll get an opportunity to fight their case and expose the real criminals, Elbit Systems, in […]

The #Shenstone6 Trial

Stafford Crown Court The Combined Court Centre, Victoria Square, Stafford

In February 2021, the #Shenstone6 scaled the roof and dismantled Israel's weapons factory in Shenstone. Since halting the production of engines for Israeli drones, the six have been charged with criminal damage over £50K. Now, over two years later, they'll get an opportunity to fight their case and expose the real criminals, Elbit Systems, in […]

The #UAVengines2 Trial

Walsall Magistrates Court Stafford St, Walsall, United Kingdom

Two actionists blockaded the entrances to Shenstone's Israeli weapons factory, and successfully shut down the site. After having their charges dropped, Elbit submitted a review leading to CPS recharging the two. Support them as they fight in court to prove #ElbitIsGuilty, they are not!

Walsall 5 Sentencing

Wolverhampton Crown Court Pipers Row, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

Five activists were convicted for possessing items with the intention to commit criminal damage, for seeking to take action against Israel's weapons factory in Shenstone. Stand by them as they're sentenced on 1st September at Wolverhampton Crown Court!

Pre Trial Hearing: #Ferranti5

Manchester Crown Court Minshull St, United Kingdom

Two actionists occupied Elbit's weapons factory in Oldham and dismantled the factory. Three others were arrested after breaching security at the Oldham site, owned by Israel's largest weapons firm. Shortly after they took action, the factory was forced to shut down for good! Now, all five will go on trial to prove #ElbitIsGuilty, they are […]

Targets in Focus


A detailed exploration of our primary and secondary targets, why we target them, the rationale for secondary targeting, how each company is complicit and how best to target each category of target.

Introduction to Palestine Action


A century of British complicity and enabling of Palestine's colonisation - from the Balfour declaration in 1917, to supplying Israel with tanks in 1967 to displace 325,000 Palestinians - and it continues today, with Israel's largest arms company, Elbit Systems, operating on British soil. For almost as long, support for Palestine in Britain has been […]

How to lay siege to an Israeli weapons factory


Learn the lessons of the Leicester Siege, what works, how to maintain a constant presence, a space for discussion on this tactic, how to make it more disruptive, and what other things can be done.

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