The #LondonMetricBrum1 Hearing

Birmingham Crown Court Queen Elizabeth II Law Courts 1 Newton Street, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Stand by the #LondonMetricBrum1 at their hearing on October 10th at Birmingham Crown Court as they go to court to prove #ElbitIsGuilty, not them!

The #JLL1 Trial

Woolwich Crown Court 2 Belmarsh Way, London, United Kingdom

One actionist sprayed and smashed the Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) with red paint symbolising its connection to its subsidiary LaSalle Investment Management, which provides the office space for Elbit’s London […]

The #ShenstoneLockon4 Trial

Wolverhampton Magistrates Court 9 North St, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

Four actionists blockaded the gates of an Elbit weapons factory, UAV Engines in Shenestone. The #ShenestoneLockon4 were arrested and charged with locking on and obstruction of lawful activity support them […]

The #Shenstone2 Plea-Hearing

Newcastle Under Lyme Magistrates 28 Bridge St, Newcastle

Stand with the #Shenstone2 at their Ple-Hearing on October 22 at Newcastle Under Lyme Magistrates court at 10am.  

Direct Action Training Day [London]

Palestine Action is running training days across the country, to bring together like minded people for a day of talks, trainings and group discussions. All of which is geared towards […]

The #ShenstoneVan4 Trial

Stafford Crown Court The Combined Court Centre, Victoria Square, Stafford

Four actionists rammed a van into the side of Shenstone's Israeli arms factory, shutting it down. Stand with them as they go on trial to prove that #ElbitIsGuilty, not them!

Direct Action Training Day [Manchester]

Palestine Action is running training days across the country, to bring together like minded people for a day of talks, trainings and group discussions. All of which is geared towards […]

The #Leonardo Edinburgh 3 Trial

Edinburgh Sheriff Court 27 Chambers St, Edinburgh

Actionists were arrested after scaling the roof of arms manufacturer Leonardo in Edinburgh, halting the production-chain of Israel's fighter jet laser targeting systems. Stand with the The #LeonardoEdinburgh3 at their […]