Crash Course on Direct Action [Online Workshop]

Join this crash course on direct action to find out how you can be part of this campaign and help us #ShutElbitDown. The workshop will cover our theory on direct action, British complicity and the legal process associated with taking action!

The #Barclays1 Trial

Edinburgh Sheriff Court 27 Chambers St, Edinburgh

Stand with the #Barclays1 at their trial on March21st at Edinburgh Sheriff Court as they go to court to prove that #ElbitIsGuilty, not them!  

Crash Course on Direct Action [Online Workshop]

Join this crash course on direct action to find out how you can be part of this campaign and help us #ShutElbitDown. The workshop will cover our theory on direct action, British complicity and the legal process associated with taking action!

The #JPMorgan1 Trial

Glasgow Sheriff Court 1 Carlton Pl, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Stand with the #JPMorgan1 at their trial on Wednesday, March 24th 2025 at Glasgow Sherrif Court as they go to court to prove that #ElbitIsGuilty, not them!    

Crash Course on Direct Action [Online Workshop]

Join this crash course on direct action to find out how you can be part of this campaign and help us #ShutElbitDown. The workshop will cover our theory on direct action, British complicity and the legal process associated with taking action!

Direct Action Training Day [Brighton]

    Palestine Action is running training days across the country, to bring together like minded people for a day of talks, trainings and group discussions. All of which is geared towards harnessing the strength of the grassroots and directing it towards bringing down Israel's war machine. Location will be disclosed if your application to […]

Direct Action Training Day [London]

Palestine Action is running training days across the country, to bring together like minded people for a day of talks, trainings and group discussions. All of which is geared towards harnessing the strength of the grassroots and directing it towards bringing down Israel's war machine. Location will be disclosed if your application to join is […]

Crash Course on Direct Action [Online Workshop]

Join this crash course on direct action to find out how you can be part of this campaign and help us #ShutElbitDown. The workshop will cover our theory on direct action, British complicity and the legal process associated with taking action!

Crash Course on Direct Action [Online Workshop]

Join this crash course on direct action to find out how you can be part of this campaign and help us #ShutElbitDown. The workshop will cover our theory on direct action, British complicity and the legal process associated with taking action!

Crash Course on Direct Action [Online Workshop]

Join this crash course on direct action to find out how you can be part of this campaign and help us #ShutElbitDown. The workshop will cover our theory on direct action, British complicity and the legal process associated with taking action!