Stafford Plea-Hearing

Stafford Crown Court The Combined Court Centre, Victoria Square, Stafford

Plea and Trial Prep hearing for Bryn - an actionist from UAV5 who took action at the Shenstone factory in July. He was remanded to prison on the 27th December after taking a further action at the same factory and breaking through its walls on Christmas Day Mobilise at Stafford Crown Court from 9.30am

The #Barclays7 Pre-Trial

Leeds Crown Court 1 Oxford Row, Leeds, United Kingdom

Seven actionists were arrested after an action against Barclays and JP Morgan, investors in Israel’s biggest weapons firm, Elbit Systems. Support the #Barclays7 at their Pre-Trial on January 24th 2025 at Leeds Crown Court.

The #ShenstoneVan4 Hearing

Stafford Crown Court The Combined Court Centre, Victoria Square, Stafford

Stand with the #ShenstoneVan4 at their Hearing on January 27th at Stafford Crown Court.  

The #LynnLane6 Plea-Hearing

Dudley Magistrates Dudley Court House, The Inhedge, Dudley, United Kingdom

On Nakba Day, six actionsists lock on blocking gates of UAV Engines in Shenstone, mobilise in support of them as they fight to prove #ElbitIsGuilty, they are not!

The #Scotiabank10 Hearing

Westminster Magistrates Court 181 Marylebone Rd, London, United Kingdom

Stand by the #Scotiabank10 at their hearing on January 29th at Westminster Magistrates

The #Somerset4 Hearing

Taunton magistrates court St John's Road, Taunton, United Kingdom

Stand by the #Somerset4 at their hearing on January 30th at Taunton magistrates court.

The #Ferranti2 Sentencing

Minshull Crown Court Minshull Street, Manchester, United Kingdom

Eight activists from XR North and Palestine Action blockaded all entrances and occupied the overhang of Oldham's Israeli weapons factory in February 2021. They successfully #ShutElbitDown. After the action, six out of the eight had their charges dropped, leaving two to head to trial for charges of "criminal damage". The two have been told by […]

The #JLL6 Sentencing

Isleworth Crown Court 36 Ridgeway Road, Isleworth

Support the #JLL6 them at their hearing as they go to court to prove, #ElbitIsGuilty, not them!

The #APCO 3 Plea Hearing

Southwark Crown Court 1 English Grounds, London, United Kingdom

Stand by the #APCO3 at their plea-hearing on Febuary 3rd 2025 as they go to court to prove #ElbitIsGuilty, not them!

The #Leonardo5 Plea Hearing

Edinburgh Sheriff Court 27 Chambers St, Edinburgh

Stand with the #Leonardo5 who shut down Edinburgh’s Leonardo factory who continue to arm the Israeli military is one of the world’s largest weapons producers. Support them at their Plea-Hearing February 5th 2025!   at their Plea Heaing