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The #Tamworth2 Trial

March 17 @ 9:00 am - March 21 @ 4:30 pm

Two activists are appearing for trial in Stafford Crown Court from the 17th April 2023, after a July 2021 action against Elite KL in Tamworth. Activists set upon the factory and dismantled the premises – taking apart windows, occupying the factory, and spraying the site red. The factory is used for production of components essential for Elbit’s facilitation of Israel’s occupation, such as military vests and systems required for the functioning of Israeli-made Merkava 4 battle tanks.

In the week of the action, in July 2021, over 400 Palestinians were injured as live ammunition was used by the Israeli military against those protesting West Bank land seizures. Now, almost two years later, Elbit are continuing to supply the surveillance technologies, drones, and munitions which facilitate this violence, with the activists now entering the Court to prove that #ElbitIsGuilty, Palestine Action are not.

Original press release of the Elite KL action: https://www.palestineaction.org/tamworth-occupied-again/


March 17 @ 9:00 am
March 21 @ 4:30 pm
Event Category:


Stafford Crown Court
The Combined Court Centre, Victoria Square
Stafford, ST16 2QQ
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