Elbit London HQ occupied, defaced by Palestine Action again

Apr 12, 2022


  • This morning, a Palestine Action crew have taken direct action at Elbit’s London Headquarters, 77 Kingsway, Holborn, shutting the site down
  • The activists have drenched the site exterior in blood red paint using modified fire extinguishsers, and barred site entry with a ‘lock-on’, preventing site operations. A number of protestors have turned up in support.
  • Activists have again taken action at headquarters belonging to Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest arms company, who manufacture military products across a network of British sites
  • One such product is the Hermes 900 military drone. The Hermes 900 is used frequently for the repression, surveillance and murder of Palestinians; its usage is being trialled by the British police for surveillance purposes

At 0800 on the morning of Tuesday 12th April, Palestine Action activists targetted Elbit System’s London HQ, with activists halting operations through the use of a body ‘lock-on’ and others dousing the site with blood red paint. The site is one of two Elbit Headquarters in Britain, and is central to the firm’s British operations, which includes the manufacture of military drones, target systems, tank ammunitions and more.

Such military equipment is built by Elbit in Britain, then sold in high numbers not only to the Israeli military, but to a number of oppressive governments across the world. As settler violence in occupied Palestine mounts, Palestine Action have once again used direct action to firmly oppose Britain’s enabling of Israeli apartheid.

Despite Elbit’s bloated and increasingly-violent security forces, including constant security at the site in question, activists have again taken successful action. Military goods made on our doorsteps bolster Israel’s military occupation and enable the ongoing settler violence suffered by Palestinians, for this reason Palestine Action will continue using direct action to dismantle Elbit’s ‘kill chain’, and ordinary people will continue to put their liberties and bodies on the line until Elbit is gone for good.

Red paint that activists used to drench the site represents the blood spilled by Elbit’s business. Elbit produce drones, ammunition and military technlogy to be sold to the occupation government. 

The arms company and its 9 remaining British sites have faced constant direct action since Palestine Action launched, nearly two years ago. It was 77 Kingsway that was first targetted by the group, in July 2020. The site has been hit by activists extensively since, as has Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), who lease the site to Elbit and have spent considerable money providing Elbit with 24/7 site security.

A Palestine Action spokesperson said the following:

“Today’s action, aimed at the face of Elbit, reaffirms that Israel’s warlords have no place in Britain. It’s continued direct action that will close Elbit’s doors for good, whether they leave on their own terms or are evicted by JLL. Elbit, we’re coming for you.”



Photos are free to use. Please Credit: Calum Ford

If you would like any further information on Palestine action, please contact info@palestineaction.org 

Palestine Action is a direct-action network of groups and individuals formed with the mandate of taking direct action against Elbit Systems’ British locations at grassroots level, calling for them all to be shut down and for the British government to end its complicity in Israeli apartheid.


Company profile on Elbit Systems, including quote by Israeli military general: https://whoprofits.org/company/elbit-systems/

Role of Elbit drone in killing of four children paying on Gaza beach in 2014: https://theintercept.com/2018/08/11/israel-palestine-drone-strike-operation-protective-edge/

More on the death and destruction inflicted by Elbit’s drones upon Gaza: https://corporatewatch.org/elbit-systems-company-profile-2/

Elbit surveillance technology for Israel’s apartheid wall: https://www.facing-finance.org/en/database/cases/elbit-systems-surveillance-system-torch-for-the-separation-barrier-in-israelpalestine/

UK Ministry of Defence signs £102 million contract with Elbit Systems UK for “sensor-to-shoot” system: https://www.army-technology.com/news/uk-mod-orders-elbit-detect-and-destroy-system/