Elbit Systems. Genocide Factories.
Elbit Systems UK is part of the multinational arms company, Elbit Systems Ltd, headquartered in Haifa, Israel. From Britain, Elbit manufactures Israeli weaponry which is used to subjugate the Palestinian people.

Elbit Systems is Israel’s largest weapons manufacturer, profiting from and enabling the Zionist’s military regime, occupation, apartheid and genocide of Palestine. Elbit supplies the Israeli military with 85% of their drones and land-based equipment, as well as electronic warfare systems, munitions and more. The company’s surveillance equipment is prevalent across Palestine and is used against the Palestinians through drone operations, at checkpoints and across Israel’s apartheid wall.
Elbit supplies the Israeli military with all of its small calibre munitions through subsidiary IMI Systems, while its armed remote-control boats have attacked Palestinian fishermen. Their Hermes drones are both used for surveillance and can be equipped with missiles. They have been used in extrajudicial killings in foreign countries such as Sudan, while enabling the slaughter of Palestinians inside Gaza. They were used extensively in the 2008, 2012 and 2014 assaults in Gaza, in which Israel killed 1,417 and 2,202 Palestinians respectively, including four boys killed by a Hermes attack while playing on a beach in Gaza in 2014.
Throughout the 2023-2025 genocide in Gaza, the Israeli military frequently used Elbit’s quadcopter drones to massacre the population. Acclaimed British surgeon, Dr Nizam Mamode, recalled how these drones are used in Gaza: “This is not an occasional thing; this was day after day after day, operating on children who would say I was lying on the ground after a bomb had dropped, and this quadcopter came down, hovered over me and shot me.”
Elbit’s business model relies on the destruction of Palestine and the genocide of it’s population. Their weaponry is often marketed as “battle-tested”, demonstrating how they use Palestinians as test subjects, before selling these technologies on to fuel imperialism and colonialism elsewhere. It’s drones have not only been deployed by the British military and border operations, but are employed by the EU’s militarised border agency Frontex.
The same technologies outfitting Israel’s apartheid wall run along the US’s border wall with Mexico, and are used for monitoring of indigenous lands. Elbit’s drones have been purchased in major volumes by India, in turn deploying them in violent military campaigns perpetuating the repression of Kashmiri populations.
Through sustained direct action, Palestine Action has forced Elbit to shut down weapons factories, lose lucrative contracts and partnerships with several other firms.
UAV Tactical Systems
In Leicester, Elbit manufactures drones and drone components inside it’s factory called ‘UAV Tactical Systems’. The site is majority owned by Elbit Systems, and partially owned by French arms firm Thales.
UAV Engines
UAV engines designs, upgrades and manufactures drone engines for Israeli drones, including for the Hermes drones, as well as for Israel’s Aerospace Industries’ (IAI) Harop and Harpy drones.
Instro Precision
Based in Kent, Elbit’s Instro Precision factory manufactures targeting systems for a range of weapons. They’ve made sniper rifle sights used by the Israeli military to target and massacre Palestinians.
All Elbit Sites
Elbit’s business couldn’t operate without a network of companies who they work with. Click below to see a map of other firms who enable Elbit to build Israeli weapons on your doorstep.