Image available here (More images and videos will be uploaded throughout the day) At 7.45AM, Palestine Action struck at the 40 Strand, London offices of ‘APCO Worldwide’, political lobbyists for Israel’s biggest weapons firm, Elbit Systems. Red paint...
Images available here This morning, activists from Palestine Action sprayed the London offices of Thales red. Using repurposed fire extinguishers, they covered the premises in blood-red paint to symbolise the company’s complicity in spilling Palestinian blood. ...
Video available for free here This morning, activists from Palestine Action targeted Kite packaging’s regional distribution centre at Sheppey Way, Bobbing, Sittingbourne, ME9 8QX. They glued warehouse doors shut, spray painted “Drop Elbit” and...
Images and videos which are free to use uploaded here Four activists were arrested this afternoon after they targeted another link in Britain’s chain of complicity with Israel’s genocide in Gaza, as the Manchester offices of ‘CDW UK’ were...
Images and video available for free here Four activists from Palestine Action were arrested late morning today after they occupied ‘GRiD Defence Systems’, military computer and processor supplier for Israel’s war machine. After breaking into the...
Images available for free, with credit to IMD milo Activists from Palestine Action targeted two banks in Leeds city centre, over their shareholdings in Israel’s biggest weapons firm, Elbit Systems. Using repurposed fire extinguishers, Barclays Leeds branch and...