Palestine Action is a direct action movement committed to ending global participation in Israel’s genocidal and apartheid regime. Using disruptive tactics, Palestine Action targets corporate enablers of the Israeli military-industrial complex and seeks to make it impossible for these companies to profit from the oppression of Palestinians.

Our Target
Palestine Action’s main target is Elbit Systems, Israel’s biggest weapons producer. For different local contexts, Palestine Action also primarily target weapons companies such as Leonardo, Thales and Teledyne. In addition to shutting down weapons manufacturers, our campaign also targets companies and institutions linked to them.
Our STrategy
Palestine Action takes strategic, sustained and focused direct action against key targets, in order to maximise disruption against key pillars of Israel’s military-industrial complex. We do not appeal to politicians or anyone else to create the necessary changes, as we understand the depth of complicity within most global institutions. Rather than begging those who are complicit to gain a moral compass, we go straight to the source and shut down the production of Israeli weapons.
Our Victories
By taking direct action against focused targets, we have achieved a number of victories. Palestine Action has forced Israeli weapons factories to permanently close down, companies to cut ties with Elbit and lost Elbit lucrative contracts worth £billions.